Sunday 11 December 2011

cure for me and you

Personalized cure and its challenges

Would you like to know what genetic disease risks you take in, and for that sequence your genome can? A conference of the Academia Engelberg has shown that representatives of personalized cure just hope it.

Since it was possible a decade ago, sequencing the entire genome (genome) to the people, the molecular biological research is around the so-called personalized cure on the rise. Their approach is promising: diagnosis and therapy should be adjusted in the future on the genetic predisposition of the patient, thereby increasing the chance of safety and efficacy.

Targeted cancer therapy
For example, cancer is usually due to gene mutations. If it is possible to identify these changes and to clarify molecular biology, which failed to trigger processes in the cells, then drugs could be developed to specifically interfere in these processes and stop the growth of cancer cells. In such processes oriented therapies would be used only in patients who have the appropriate gene variant. However, the prior condition for a genetic test is the patient.

In cancer cure is not pie. Already, there are drugs that have been developed based on such molecular biological knowledge and effective only in certain patients. Elsewhere it is still far away from drugs and focused on the research of molecular biological correlations. A technical development of personalized cure but currently gives a big boost: easier, faster and cheaper genetic testing process. That was the unanimous opinion and also because of the conference held last week, the Academia Engelberg Foundation to personalized cure.

It is much easier today than even a few years to analyze human genomes. In two to three years, the DNA could be sequenced for less money and so do the analysis for everyone. It is then possible to read the genome of just one more glass used for drinking. This statement clarified the molecular biologist Ernst Hafen of the ETH Zurich and the explosiveness of the potential of personalized cure.

Commercial providers
Indeed, there are already private companies offering over the Internet for private genome analysis. At the conference, the company has been mentioned, "23andMe" offering around $ 200 for genetic analysis. After submitting his saliva obtained after 6 to 8 weeks of his genetic profile. This tells you, for which data currently collected 112 has a genetic predisposition to diseases. These diseases are among other things, various cancers, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia and diabetes.

Genetic analysis also indicates whether you are carriers of genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, which could then pass on a possible offspring. The company further promises insight into whether it responds to certain drugs and whether they have about the property, or to taste bitter compounds against the most common type of diarrhea pathogen Norovirus be resistant.

In addition to this analysis provide such information company, as one has to understand the profile and how to do it - for example through a customized lifestyle, or by passing on to the family doctor - the best uses for itself. There is also the possibility that his own data of science to provide.

As the conference showed the advancement of personalized cure seems very strong willingness to depend on this. For the outbreak of a disease that is often only a single gene is responsible, are usually more crucial factors such as interactions between genes, but also a variety of environmental influences. This multifactorial disease causes make a prediction of individual disease risk and thus a meaningful prevention difficult. Stood research but large sets of data against which we could study the relationships between genotypes and phenotypes would such predictions are more accurate. Furthermore, increases in other genes and molecular processes are identified that are associated with certain diseases.

While the genotype describes the Genausstattung a person takes into account the phenotype of the structural and functional characteristics that are determined by non-genetic characteristics. The path to such databases is still long. Give in Switzerland it is not even a national cancer registry, was Peter Suter, Vice President of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as to remember.

Sensitive issues
That personalized cure has a great social significance, it is clear just by such developments or controversial services, such as "23andMe". The presentation of new biological research results, such as the genetic basis of memory, thus ending over again in discussions about the individual and societal implications of personalized cure. Man can deal with such information about its health risks? He may insist on his right not to know? He even has a moral obligation to its data in a jointly-funded healthcare for the benefit of society to make the research available? This opinion was about James Heywood, co-founder of internet company "PatientsLikeMe". The site brings together patients who hope that by the mutual exchange of new knowledge about their disease and help.

No less significant than those ethical issues are the legal challenges surrounding personalized cure. Besides the question of the appropriate data is also unclear how the new cure can be reconciled with the criteria of the Swiss health insurance law. Under this Act must be paid for therapy only if it is effective, practical and economical. Evidence of the economy could for personalized therapies that benefit in comparison to today's demands for drugs only a few patients who have a problem.

Personalized cure will also mean that current disease definitions lose their validity and new definitions have to be found. Much of what appears in this area yet to lie in the future, today's prime target is to understand diseases better and better treat patients by molecular genetic findings and prepare for possible diseases can be. But now it is almost time to start the discussion about the social implications of the concept of personalized cure in Switzerland, Ernst Hafen said. Because the future has already begun.